What is an H&I Meeting or Presentation?
The purpose of an H&I meeting is to carry the NA message of recovery to addicts who do not have full access to regular Narcotics Anonymous meetings.
Who is Best Suited to Carry the NA Message in an H&I Meeting?
In our experience, it is best for members to have three months clean before attending an H&I meeting, and six months clean before speaking at one. It is not important whether or not we have been in a similar facility ourselves. Anyone with a clear and consistent Narcotics Anonymous message who is willing to share is well suited for H&I work.
Come to the H&I Subcommittee meeting held on the same day as the Greater Providence Area Meeting. Usually on the 3rd Sunday of the month. We encourage all NA groups to send an H&I group representative to help us fulfill our primary purpose. We are always looking for new panel leaders for the facilities where we currently have NA presentations. This also includes our corrections facilities.
H&I group representatives can sign up for a commitment starting at 1:30.
Download WSC H&I Handbook (PDF)
Download Corrections Clearance Application (PDF)
If you are a representative of a facility or institution and you would like information about arranging a Narcotics Anonymous meeting in your facility, please contact our public relations at gpanapublicrelations@gmail.com
If you are a facility that currently has an NA Speaker Presentation and have questions or concerns or If your group would like to sign up for a commitment, please get in touch with us at handi@gpana.org. If you are a member of Narcotics Anonymous and would like to get involved on the H&I Unified Sub-Committee, below are the qualifications for Panel Coordinator and Panel Leaders. We are currently running Zoom commitments on Weds and Sat nights from 7 pm- 8 pm
Panel Coordinator:
Description: A facility Panel Coordinator is the main contact for their assigned facility. They are responsible to oversee and communicate with the panel members assigned to their facility and the H&I Sub-committee.
Qualifications: 1 year clean and not on any DRT’s. Prior H&I experience and a willingness to attend 1 H&I learning day.
- Must attend the monthly H&I sub-committee meeting and give a verbal or written report on their assigned facility to the main body. If a facility Panel Coordinator misses 2 consecutive monthly H&I sub-committee meetings, that position will be offered to other interested recovering addicts who meet the qualification requirements.
- They will be the key Contact between their assigned facility and the H&I Sub-Committee should there be any issues or concerns at their facility.
- Cover any commitment at their assigned facility if a facility Panel Member cannot fulfill their monthly commitment.
- Collect and distribute any NA literature for their assigned facility.
- Read and be familiar with current H&I policies and Do’s and Don’ts.
- Length of service. 1 Year.
Panel Leader:
Description: A Facility Panel Member must attend their monthly commitment at their assigned facility and are responsible to oversee and facilitate the commitment.
Qualifications: 1 year clean and not on any DRT’s. Prior H&I experience and have a willingness to attend 1 H&I learning day.
- Must attend and facilitate their monthly H&I commitment and give a verbal or written report to their facility Panel Coordinator. If a facility Panel Member misses 2 consecutive monthly commitments, that position will be offered to other interested recovering addicts who meet the qualification requirements.
- They will be the key Contact between their assigned facility and the facility Panel Coordinator and report any issues or concerns at their facility.
- If a panel member cannot fulfill their monthly commitment they must contact the Panel Coordinator for that facility as soon as possible.
- They must give a monthly verbal or written report to their facility Panel Coordinator before the monthly H&I sub-committee meeting. Attendance at the monthly H&I sub-committee meeting is encouraged but not mandatory.
- Read and be familiar with current H&I policies and Do’s and Don’ts and make sure that all NA members that will be sharing know the Do’s and Don’ts and any facility rules.
- Length of service. 6 months.